
Green Spirit FAQ

The concentrations of THC psychotropic active substance present in the industrial Cannabis varieties of Green Spirits respect the levels prescribed by the Swiss law and the law of many other countries. The products are 100% legal.

Register by creating an account on www.greenspirits.swiss to benefit from discounts and customized promotions.

Register by creating an account on www.greenspirits.swiss to benefit from resale discounts based on the number of pieces purchased and the monthly sales volume.

The payment methods available to our partners and customers are the most popular on the e-commerce market:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Postcard ID / Postcard E-finance (Post-Finance AG)

We select only the best qualities of industrial Cannabis grown in Switzerland. We verify the origin of the goods through strict controls on every single production lot. We follow the Green Development policy through a production chain that respects the highest standards of quality and sustainability. We verify in detail the production methods, the quality of the inflorescences, the harvesting, the drying and the preservation process.